Business Principles
Nieuw Learning aims to design, develop and implement the most innovative learning solutions, providing our customers the agility to act rapidly to improve the lives of patients.
We believe that corporate and adult learning should be exciting, valuable, accessible and drive a learning culture within organisations.
Do what is right
Success is driven by our drive to act ethically and with integrity, honesty and responsibility.
Inspire positive change
Learning is fundamentally about change and through our focus, energy and passion we want to inspire this change for individuals, teams and organisations.
Drive to deliver
Delivery is paramount and we are committed to ensuring our client’s needs and objectives are met.
Chris Nieuwoudt
Managing Director
Collectively, the healthcare industry, governments, research institutions and charitable organisations are having an impact on the lives of people. We have seen a decrease in the risk of dying from the 4 main noncommunicable diseases (Cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic respiratory disease and diabetes) from 23% in 2000 to 19% in 2015 for patients between the ages of 30 and 70. We are succeeding, but we still have a long way to go.3
I founded Nieuw Learning, as a part of Nieuw Ltd., on 2 principles, firstly, I wanted to have a broader impact on patients and secondly, I wanted to improve how learning was being implemented. Learning within the professional environment doesn’t need to be drab, boring and something to just get through. It should and must be exciting, valuable and accessible.
We are at an incredibly exciting time in medicine where our understanding is growing exponentially, and the pace of development is increasing all the time. An organisation’s success is now based on the pace that they can lead and respond to this explosion of intellectual capital and the rapid changes this brings. We also understand that organisations, generally, are spending more on training with a 14% increase from 2014 – 2016.14 This reflects the importance of learning and development within this environment and the need to have meaningful impact for learners and organisation leaders.
Nieuw Learning is to be a leader, enabler and facilitator of learning and ultimately help organisations be successful in the drive to improve healthcare to everyone.
Our values of doing the right thing, inspiring positive change and drive to deliver have aided our success so far, and with our experience in learning across the globe, Nieuw Learning is positioned to be your valued partner.